Arnotts Banners.png


In the time I spent with Arnotts, I progressed with making new designs for the Wonders group of the store. Creating and adding new events and items that were to shown on both the banners and the landing pages that were sent to the memberships within the group including making the booklet for the group.

Wonder Card 1.jpg
Brand Alice Hannah.jpg
Wonder Chanel.jpg
Brand BSG.jpg
Wonder Home Value 1.jpg
Brand Blanche.jpg
Wonder Home Value 2.jpg
Brand Coccinelle.jpg
Wonder Home Value 3.jpg
Brand Carl Hensen.jpg
Wonder Homestock Ezine.jpg
Brand Milly.jpg
Wonder Megaevent.jpg
Brand Fraas.jpg
Wonder Newsletter Toy Town.jpg
Brand Gushlow & Cole.jpg
Wonder Newsletter Ladieswear.jpg
Brand Jigsaw.jpg
Wonder Newsletter Menswear.jpg
Brand Marella.jpg
Wonder NewsLetter.jpg
Brand Raoul.jpg
Wonder Newsletter Childrenwear.jpg
Wonders Booklet1.jpg
Wonders Booklet2.jpg
Wonders Booklet3.jpg
Wonders Booklet4.jpg
Wonders Booklet5.jpg
Wonders Booklet6.jpg
Wonders Booklet7.jpg
Works Wonders Box Survey.jpg
Wonders Quiz.jpg